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Replicating metatheory results

In this section we explain how to replicate the metatheory results summarised by Table 2.

  1. Download and untar our model files.

     $ wget http://johnwickerson.github.com/transactions/artifacts/reproducibility/metatheory.tgz
     $ tar zxvf metatheory.tgz
  2. Download, build, and launch the Alloy Analyzer (version 4.2).

     $ git clone https://github.com/johnwickerson/alloystar.git
     $ cd alloystar
     $ ant
     $ java -jar dist/alloy4.2.jar
  3. For each of the 11 model files in the root metatheory/ directory, open the file in the Alloy Analyzer GUI application, set the solver to Plingeling (via Options -> Solver -> Plingeling), turn off higher-order solving (via Options -> Use higher-order solver: No), and execute the command (via Execute -> Run). The timings are for a machine with four 16-core Opteron processors and 128GB RAM.

    Model file Property being checked Event count Expected outcome
    1_mono_x86.als Monotonicity of x86 TM 6 No instance found, ~20m
    2_mono_ppc.als Monotonicity of Power TM 2 Instance found, ~1s
    3_mono_arm8.als Monotonicity of ARMv8 TM 2 Instance found, ~1s
    4_mono_c11.als Monotonicity of C++ TM 6 No instance found, ~91h
    5_comp_x86.als Compilation from C++ TM to x86 TM 6 No instance found, ~14h
    6_comp_ppc.als Compilation from C++ TM to Power TM 6 No instance found, ~16h
    7_comp_arm8.als Compilation from C++ TM to ARMv8 TM 6 No instance found, ~20h
    8_hle_x86.als Lock elision for x86 TM 8 Timeout, >48h
    9_hle_ppc.als Lock elision for Power TM 9 Timeout, >48h
    10_hle_arm8.als Lock elision for ARMv8 TM 7 Instance found, ~63s
    11_hle_arm8_fixed.als Lock elision for ARMv8 TM, fixed 8 Timeout, >48h
  4. For the commands that actually produce a solution, this solution can be viewed using the Alloy Visualizer. To do this, click on Instance found to launch the Visualizer. To make the graph as readable as possible, open the Projection menu, and tick the Exec and PTag boxes.

Examining solutions

Let’s examine a solution from 10_hle_arm8.als. First, as recommended above: open the Projection menu, and tick the Exec and PTag boxes. Note that your solution may not match exactly because events may be relabelled and, moreover, because there are multiple solutions (see Appendix A of the paper).

This counterexample is composed of two executions. The abstract execution composed of library calls lock() and unlock() events and a concrete execution where the library calls have been replaced by an ARMv8 spinlock implementation. These are called Exec_Arm8L1 and Exec_Arm8L0, respectively by Alloy. Move between each execution with the << and >> buttons on the bottom-left of the Alloy Visualiser.

This is a counterexample to the soundness of lock elision (as discussed in Section 8.4 of the paper) because the abstract execution is inconsistent and the concrete execution is consistent.

Abstract execution (inconsistent) Concrete (consistent)

The first thing of note is that the syntax of the Alloy solution and the paper differs slightly:

. Alloy solution Paper
Program order sb po
Read-modify-write atom rmw
Acquire operation SCACQ Acq
Release operation SCREL Rel
Lock operation LkN L
Unlock operation UkN U
Lock operation (tx elided) LkT L^t
Unlock operation (tx elided) UkT U^t
Mapping relation gp_map \pi


Starting with the abstract library execution (identifiable by the library Lk and Uk events), we can roll over the sthd (same-thread) equivalence relation (in the box in the top-left of the Alloy Visualiser).

Abstract execution: sthd

This shows the events partitioned into two threads:

Next, roll over the sb (program-order) relation.

Abstract execution: sb

Recall that program-order is transitive. Therefore, we can trace program-order by starting with the event with the highest number of outbound (sb) edges and working down. This shows that the events are ordered in po as follows:

Similarly, the sloc (same-location) equivalence relation shows that E0, E1 and E2 are all events over the same location (let’s call this x). And, finally, the co (coherence) and rf (reads-from) relations show that E1 -co-> E2 -rf-> E0.

sloc co rf

If we put this all together then the abstract execution can be drawn as follows. The execution is inconsistent because of the co-rf cycle between the two critical regions. Note that the release and acquire operations on E0 and E2, respectively, are not strictly required to forbid the execution but have been included in this instance.

Abstract execution: rewritten


Now we turn our attention to the concrete execution.

Concrete execution

Following the same method for sthd and sb as above, we can partition the events into two threads. Moreover, the stxn (same successful transaction) equivalence relation shows that E5 and E0 are within the same transaction.

sthd sb stxn

The sloc (same-location) equivalence relation shows that E0, E1 and E2 are all events over the same location (let’s call this x); and E3, E4, E5 and E6 are over another location (let’s call this m).

The co (coherence) and rf (reads-from) relations show that E1 -co-> E0 -rf-> E2; and that E3 -co-> E4. We can deduce the fr (from-reads) relations E5 -fr-> E3 and E6 -fr-> E3 because both E5 and E3 are reads of the same location x without an rf edge (i.e., they implicitly read-from the initial write).

sloc co rf

The last thing of note is the atom relation between E6 and E3, which means they form a successful read-modify-write. Putting this all together we can redraw the concrete execution as follows. The execution is consistent with respect to our transactional ARMv8 memory model.

Concrete execution: rewritten


Finally, we check the mapping \pi between the abstract and concrete executions. This is a mapping between the 7 events of the abstract execution (labelled E0..E6) and those of the concrete execution (also labelled E0..E6). Switch back to the abstract execution and roll over the gp_map relation.

Abstract execution: pi

We can read off the following mapping:

Or, even better, draw the mapping:

Pi mapping

Notice that E5, the abstract L (lock) event, maps to the concrete events E3 and E6, the paired read-modify-write events; and E4, the abstract U^t (elided tx unlock) event, maps to no events.